Your dream has you

When it comes to the dreams we have for our lives, the most common thing we say is, “I have a dream”, when in fact, when there is a true calling on our lives, it’s the dream that has us.

What do I mean by that?  It’s that thought, that longing and that desire that keeps bubbling up, time and time again.  And it’s usually in the times when we are feeling miserable, discontented or simply bored.

So what’s your dream?  What is it that you’ve been carrying around with you for years?  Or perhaps, the question really is “What’s that longing or desire that you’ve been suppressing all these years?”

We get so busy and so distracted by the things we’ve been taught to believe that we ‘should’ be doing, that we end up silencing that voice deep within us that is telling us what our true life, our true calling, is.

The thing is, that voice doesn’t go away.

Sure, we may silence it by busyness and distraction, but it continues to live within us.

Perhaps during these days of lockdown, quarantine and isolation, you’ve become still enough to hear from that still, small voice.

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