My aunt is in her 90’s and her mind is sharp as a tack. I recently visited her in hospital where she is undergoing some treatment for a physical ailment, and she shared one of her amazing stories from her youth.
This particular story was about when she was a young girl of around 15 or 16. My family’s heritage is Belarusian, and this story is set in Belarus – in early 1940’s – in the days when the German army was taking young, strong people to Germany to provide the physical labour for their factories.
My aunt told me of the time when the local Gestapo representative came to her village and rounded up all the young people, including my aunt, to take them to a train station from which their journey to Germany would begin.
By the time they arrived in the town with the train station, the train had already left, so she and her friends remained in the area waiting for the next train which would be in a couple of days.
My aunt was clear in her mind that she would remain in Belarus with her family and not make the journey to Germany. And she said as much to her friends and also to the Gestapo.
While everyone else was talking about the upcoming train trip, leaving their families, leaving Belarus, my aunt was saying “No. I am staying here. You just wait and see.”
They all laughed and said she was being ridiculous.
Now, she had no idea how she would avoid leaving for Germany. She just knew she would remain with her family.
No matter how many people told her that she would be taken to Germany, her response was the same. “No. I am staying here.”
She also told me that she kept a journal and in it, she repeatedly wrote “I am staying here in Belarus.”
My aunt, without knowing it, was putting into action an incredible power. The power of words.
She had put in place 2 levels of energy into motion: 1. the spoken word, and 2. the written word.
Over the couple of days that they all waited for the train, the young people had to undergo a medical – the Germans only wanted strong, healthy workers. Someone from the group told my aunt that if she smoked a cigarette just before her medical examination, it would raise her heart-rate and make her breathe more heavily. She had no idea if this was true or not, but she went with the suggestion. She had a few puffs of a cigarette and went in for the medical check.
They asked if she were sick. “Yes, I am sick”, she replied. “I have problems with my lungs.” They listened to hear chest.
Somehow, the medical team agreed. She was diagnosed with a lung condition. It was written on her papers and she was released to go back to her family.
My aunt told me that there were over 500 people who were scheduled to get onto that train and be taken to Germany. Out of the 500, only 2 did not board. My aunt was one of them.
Upon her return home to her family, her mother just about fainted. She, along with everyone else in the family and village, had accepted the fact that they would never see my aunt again.
The words we speak are incredibly powerful. Our words are commands and they create our reality. When we speak words, we send out energy into the universe and what we send out is we receive back.
God has put in place a system that we are all a part of. We are all part of the same universe and the laws of universe apply to us all.
Each of us create our own reality every day of our lives and it is done through the words we think, we speak and we write.
But keep in mind, our beliefs underpin our words. Our words and beliefs need to be in harmony.
When we speak what we believe, then that is what we create.
In my aunt’s story, everyone believed she would be taken to Germany.
Everyone except my aunt.
She knew that she would remain with her family. She didn’t wish she could stay. She didn’t hope she could stay. She knew she would stay. And she didn’t let anything or anyone sway her from her belief. Not for a moment did she entertain the possibility of being sent to Germany even though everything around her confirmed she would go. My aunt created a different reality for herself. She spoke it and she wrote it. And it happened.
What an amazing woman.
And what an amazing system.
How about using it to create your true life?