Do you find yourself using the concept of time, or the lack of action at a particular time in the past, as an excuse for not taking action now, in the present? Perhaps you believe that you missed the “right” time or that now is too late?
Well, when a dream has you – when you have a goal or a vision and it’s not letting go, it means that it’s not too late.
There’s an old Chinese proverb that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now”.
If you never plant that tree, it will never exist. However, if you plant it now, there will be a tree! And the same applies in pursuing what it is you would love for your life.
Sure, you could have taken action in the past but for whatever reason, you didn’t. The fact is, that shouldn’t get in the way of you taking action now.
Going into the future of 20, 10, or 5 years from today, and then looking back, it would be so easy to see that now would have been the best time.
So don’t wait for those 20, 10 or however many years to go by only to say “that was the best time and now it’s too late”.
Whatever you did or didn’t do in the past doesn’t matter. It’s now that matters.
Now is always the best time to take action. Now is the best time to finally create what you would love.