In my coaching practice, the single biggest question I ask clients to explore is “What would you love?”
There is such power and expansion in that question. It gives voice to a person’s heart which then opens up their mind to the possibilities of the life they can create. We then work through converting those possibilities into realities.
The timeframe that we usually work with is generally 3 years out from now however, the exciting thing about that question is that we can ask it of ourselves every day.
Why not try it?
When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself “What would I love today?” and then take a few minutes to see what your heart shows you.
The thing is, you are going to create a day anyway. You can have a day that happens by default – where you just plod along and let it happen to you – or you can design a day that you would love.
Just remember, this isn’t about creating a day that you think you will have, can have or deserve to have. It is about creating a day you would LOVE.
Allow your mind to be guided by the voice of your heart and see what a difference it makes to your day.