The quality of your answers depends on the quality of your questions

It is very common for us to not like the answers we are getting when we seek to find solutions to our problems.

What it often comes down to though, is the quality of the questions we are asking.

Albert Einstein said:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.”

For example, if we find ourselves in debt, asking further questions relating to debt will just keep us tapped into the energetic frequency of debt.

  • “How can I reduce the amount of debt I have?”
  • “I wonder how to get the bank to loan me more money?”
  • “Can I get another credit card?”

By asking different, better quality questions, we can change the energetic frequency we are tapping in to, and therefore get a better solution.

  • “How can I generate more income?”
  • “How can I create more savings?”

In the example above, our focus shifts from debt to income.  And once we get an income-based solution, we’ll find that the debt problem takes care of itself.

When we ask quality questions, we shift and align our thinking to the creative energy that can provide us with quality solutions.

Let’s look at another example.

“How can I lose weight?”  – This is a sure way to stay connected to the energetic frequency of weight.

Instead, try asking:

  • “What can I do to feel more energetic?”
  • “What can I do to develop more strength and flexibility?”
  • “What foods can I eat that will nourish my body?”

By shifting our focus and our frequency to energy, strength, flexibility and nourishment, all sorts of new ideas will come flooding in. And if we act on those, then the weight problem will simply go away.

If you have found yourself at times seemingly going around and around the same issues and problems and not finding a solution, pay attention to the questions you’ve been asking.  Are those questions limiting the possible solutions that could be available to you, but you haven’t been able to tap into?

Try asking different questions and see if new, quality solutions begin to emerge.

“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins

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