You’ve probably heard that term before – paralysis by analysis.
Today’s post is about getting yourself to act before you think yourself out of taking action.
We all know what we have to do to initiate a change in our lives however, there is a gap between our knowledge and our acting on that knowledge.
I certainly struggle with this. For example, I know I feel better when I go for a long, invigorating walk in the morning. But do I do it? Or do I hesitate just long enough for thoughts to come into my head as to why I don’t have time to go walking, or think about why I’m tired and need a couple more minutes in bed? So, instead of getting up and out of bed, I stay there and miss the opportunity to feel energised.
What about you?
Do you think yourself out of taking action that you know will benefit you? That you know will move you towards what you want in your life?
If you are unhappy in your current job, you know that to change jobs you should look to see what else is available. But do you act on that knowledge, or do you start thinking about all the reasons why it is so much easier to stay put? So instead of looking for something new, you do nothing and keep on complaining about the job you are in.
If you don’t have a job, you know that to find a job you should prepare a résumé. You know that there are hundreds available on Google that you could base yours on, but do you act on that knowledge, or do you start thinking about how hard it will be to write something down? Or do you think about how getting a job means that you’ll be forced to change your routine? Isn’t it easier to stay the same? So instead of sitting down and doing that Google search, you do nothing and remain jobless.
If you are feeling exhausted every morning, you know that you’d feel so much better if you went to bed by 10 p.m. But come night-time, do you take to your bed at 10 o’clock, or do you think about how hard it is to get up off the couch? Or do you use the excuse that there are still some posts on Facebook that you want to read? So instead, you stay up late into the night and then wake up exhausted the next day, yet again.
Your paralysis by analysis may relate to an altogether different topic, but let’s face it… it’s something we all do at some stage. When we get an idea to do something – to act – we hesitate just long enough for the thoughts to come flooding in and to keep us in the habit of sameness, of routine, and of stagnation. But the good news is that bad habits can be broken and new ones can be formed.