Did you know that there is a simple formula that explains how life results are created? It’s based on the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
Put simply:
Your thoughts cause your feelings >Your feelings cause your actions. > Your actions cause your results.
Now, for some people, that formula is a little confronting because it means that accountability for how their life is going sits with them. You see, they’d rather blame other people, past events, circumstances and conditions.
Of course, we cannot downplay or ignore the fact that there are people who have had horrendous, damaging experiences at the hands of others or of events out of their control. However awful those experiences were, and whoever was to blame, that doesn’t release someone from taking accountability for how they now want to be and to live.
Regardless of how uncomfortable that formula may make you feel, it doesn’t change the simple truth that there is a direct link between what you think and the results you get to experience in life.
As the Buddha wisely says:
What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.
This is not a new concept. This formula is really powerful, especially if you work it backwards.
Is there any area of your life where you aren’t happy with the results you are experiencing? What are you doing, what actions are you taking or not taking, that, at a minimum, are contributing to those results. You cannot let yourself off the hook here because there is something you are doing, or not doing, that’s at least contributing to those results. The next question is what are you feeling that is causing you to act or not act? And lastly, why? Why do you feel that way? What are the thoughts behind that feeling?
It is a very simple formula and it is a very powerful formula because it means that you can start creating different results in your life by creating and choosing new thoughts.