Just pick something already!

Sometimes our past success appears to be what gets us stuck.

What do I mean by that?

I’ve done years of research and I’ve worked through a number of self-development programmes and I have proven that they work. I set my desire statement. I identified and pushed through my limiting beliefs. I set up my plans, took action, and achieved what I had desired for many, many years. I was really proud of myself.

I proved to myself, without a shadow of a doubt, that I can successfully achieve what it is I desire by following a proven technique.

Then I hit the “what’s next?” wall.

Because these techniques work, I have found myself stuck in making a decision as to what to go after next. I mean… what if what I think I want isn’t what I really want? Since the techniques work, what if I put all that effort into the next goal and find out I don’t want it after all?

For me, getting stuck is about making a choice, a decision. Even as I am writing this, the truth of what’s behind it is staring me in the face – or on the page, so to speak. I’m saying that I won’t make a decision because I know these techniques work. But the real reason I’m not making a decision is because I’m still carrying around with me my old perfectionist traits. I’m putting off a decision because I want it to be the perfect decision. The perfect choice. The perfect goal.

But here’s the thing…   12 months from now, I can either be exactly as I am today, have the same life I have today or, I could be different, living differently, or doing something different.

So now the question comes down to: Am I living my true life?

Good question. Well, I’m certainly not miserable. Far from it. But I also know that my life isn’t quite aligned with where I know it should be.

I know, deep down inside, that I do want more out of life. I want to be doing other things.

I don’t want to settle for: “It’s fine.”

Do you?



Well then, here’s your assignment:

Over the next 7 days, think about, and write down, the areas in your life where you are feeling some discontent. Use the following headings to guide you:

  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Spiritual
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Social
  • Career/Business

Get everything out on paper. Every big or little thing that you aren’t happy with.

When you feel that you are done with your lists, move on to the next step:  work on your “I want” list.

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