It’s your year, so make it a great one!

Do you realise that most people spend more time planning a stand-alone event like a wedding or a birthday than they do planning their life or even a single year.

So, why not take a different approach for the coming new year?  Why not plan out the year ahead?


Well, it can be done in 3 easy steps!

  1. Schedule
  2. Schedule
  3. Schedule

The bottom line is, if something isn’t scheduled it won’t happen.


Schedule the following into your calendar:

  • The important family and friend events such as birthdays. This will ensure you don’t miss the events that keep us connected to those we love. (I mean, how would you feel if someone you love forgot your birthday?)
  • Your vacation time. Lock it in!  Everything else will work around these times.
  • The things you are already committed to.  These are the things you’ve promised yourself or that you’ve promised to other people such as your work, any volunteering you do, or even the commitments you’ve made to attend your place of worship.

Now, look at your calendar – the 12 month view – and think about the longings and discontents that you’ve been feeling.  Do the entries in your calendar address these longings and discontents? What activities can you slot into the calendar that address something that you’ve been longing for? What can you slot into the calendar OR take out of the calendar that will address the feeling of discontent that you’ve been carrying with you?

You see, designing your year is possible and the first step is to lay it out – whether it be on paper, on your phone, your computer or a yearly planner.  The method or technology you use is up to you. The key is to take some time to plan it out and then see if that plan will deliver you a year that you would love.  And if it doesn’t represent the year that you would love to live, then make adjustments! 

It’s your calendar. It’s your schedule.  And it’s your year.

Make it a great one!

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