Don’t underestimate the power of baby steps

Most of us believe we need to take drastic action in order to create significant change in our lives. And to be honest, contemplating taking drastic actions can seem overwhelming and can leave us not even willing to try. But what we often forget is that baby steps will get us to the top of Mount Everest if we simply keep taking one baby step after another.

Want to lose weight? Make a healthy choice for breakfast.

Want to get fit? Get off the bus or train one stop early, or go for a brisk walk after dinner.

Want to build your savings? Cut down the number of coffees you buy each day.

Each of those changes may seem small – and they are.  But applied consistently over time, these actions will bring about new results.

So remember, whatever change you are seeking to create in your life can be achieved by simply taking small action steps – baby steps – in the new direction.


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