Design your day

After a busy and high-intensity week, I decided I needed a day to myself doing nothing.

And I did just that on Saturday.

I didn’t do anything!  I didn’t even leave the house.  I lazed around on the couch and read, watched TV, and napped.  It was the perfect day of doing nothing.

And I created it. By design.

Just as I have created every other day of my life.  Highly productive days. Mildly productive days. And, well, just like Saturday, very lazy days.

You see, we all create our own days – either by conscious decision and design, or by default.

Deciding to do nothing is still a decision.  Even an unconscious one.  When we don’t have a plan or goals we’ll still get through our day, but it will be by default.  And that’s fine if you are happy to repeat the same day over and over again and if you are happy to experience the same results in your life.

But if you want to be something different, do something different and experience different results in your life, then creating days on a repeat cycle won’t get you those different results. 

So, tonight, when you are thinking about tomorrow, think about what kind of day you want to have.  Where do you want to go?  Who do you want to see?  What are the things you want to get done?  What are the results you want to see? Then tomorrow, go do those things. 

Sure, you can get up, potter around and see what the day brings, or you can make a decision as to what you will bring to the day – which in turn will create the results you want for your day.

So, I ask you: If you are going to create a day anyway, why not design one that you’d love?

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