Are you living your true life? No?
Well, take a close look at your words. The words you speak about your life or yourself.
If you’ve watched the movie or read the book, The Secret, you’ll have an understanding of The Law of Attraction. You’ll be aware that the words you speak are energy and the energy that you create with those words will come back to you. It’s about like attracting like.
On the other hand, if you are someone from a traditional faith, such as Christianity, you’ll also be aware of the power that words carry. We see that in the book of Genesis where God said, “Let there be light”, and “Let there be firmament”, and “Let the earth bring forth grass”, etc. there was light, and firmament and grass, etc. When we speak words, we, too, speak power.
So what words are you using to describe yourself or your life circumstances?
- I’m so stupid.
- I’m fat.
- I’m ugly.
- I’m always broke.
- I just can’t get my finances in order.
- I just can’t meet the right man or the right woman.
Do any of those sound familiar?
Well, if we put the principle of ‘words are power’ into the action, what is it that you’d expect to create more of in your life? Stupid, fat, ugly, broke, alone… and so it goes.
And it’s not just the words we use out loud. The words we use in our heads are just as powerful. What are the things you say about yourself inside your head? Is there constant negative chatter that has become so entrenched and so much a part of you that you don’t even notice it anymore?
Now, think of someone who is near and dear to you. Someone for whom you only want the very best in life. Would you let someone speak to them in the same way?
No? So why do you think it’s OK to speak to yourself in this way?
You have to live with yourself your entire life. It’s a very long time. Start creating a relationship with yourself as you would with someone who you know will be your best friend for life.
Step one is to catch yourself when you are speaking or thinking negative statements about yourself. Notice just how often you ridicule or criticise yourself.
Your challenge, if you agree to accept it, is to say 3 positive things about yourself every time you hear your own self-criticism.
Treat yourself as your best friend. When your inner dialogue says something insulting or negative to you, jump right in there and replace those statements with ones that say just how wonderful you are!
Change your words, and change your results.