
The payoff of listening to your conscience

When you know that you aren’t living your true life – when you are in the wrong career, the wrong relationship, with the wrong friends, or in the wrong location – you can spend all your time and effort looking…
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The Law of Vibration and Resonance

In physics, resonance is the phenomenon in which a vibrating system drives another system on the same frequency to oscillate with greater amplitude.  In plain English, this means that if two things are on the same frequency and one begins…
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This, or something even better

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that things happen as and when they are supposed to, even when at the time it feels like everything is going wrong and nothing is going according to my own…
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Recharge vs Reboot

My friend’s phone died.  We were on a holiday to Spain and her main tool for keeping in touch with those at home would not recharge.  We checked the power source, we tried changing cables and adaptors. Nothing.  Her phone…
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Using language to connect

I was travelling through China recently and became very conscious of the need to use the right language – in this case, Mandarin – to connect with the local people, to be understood and to get what I want.  The…
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How credible are you?

I can read all the books, watch all the videos, and go to all the seminars that exist about creating wealth, but if my life does not reflect what I’ve read, watched or heard, then I can’t say I know…
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Be open to ‘the how’

One of the things that can hold people back in creating their dream life is the conditions that they place around what it is they want. People can get clear on what they want, but they also place all kinds…
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Walk the talk

I’ve run scores of training sessions and facilitated many workshops for leaders in different companies and across many industries. One of the things that never ceases to both amuse and bewilder me is how leaders consistently fail to correlate the…
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Whose journey are you on?

Let’s face it. Most people end up living the life that someone else – parents, schools, society – have set out for them. The fact that you are here, reading this article is a good indication that there is some…
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The resonance of our thoughts and words

In a previous blog I quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, saying that “All the water in the world cannot drown you unless it gets in”. That quote got me thinking more deeply about water and about references I’d heard made about a…
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