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e-motion: energy in motion

In my corporate coaching and facilitation work, I’ve helped leaders of organisations bring their people along the journey of change – whatever that may be.  One of the first steps that needs to take place is to create a picture…
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Be honest about what you want

It’s time to get honest about what you want – not what you think you are supposed to want.  Not what other people want for you, or for themselves, for that matter. Not what society says you should want.  Not…
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Just pick something already!

Sometimes our past success appears to be what gets us stuck. What do I mean by that? I’ve done years of research and I’ve worked through a number of self-development programmes and I have proven that they work. I set…
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Overcoming your limiting beliefs

Our belief system is what underpins every decision we make and every action that we take.  Beliefs are the foundation of our expectations and we developed them to help us better understand and manage ourselves, other people and the world…
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Do it afraid

Human beings are born with only two innate fears:  the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise.  All the other fears are conditioned into us. Some fears we can pinpoint to an actual event, like having a fear…
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Do I really want to see change in my life?

Would you like to lose weight?  Or get fit? Or change jobs? Or not struggle to pay the mortgage or rent? Ask anyone these questions and you can be guaranteed that the answer would be an emphatic “Yes, of course!”…
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Are you living your life by default?

12 months from now, all going well, you’ll have created your life.   What do you want it to look like? Is there an area in your life that you are dissatisfied with?  More than one area? Well, you can be…
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Take responsibility for your own emotions

My neighbours pass by my house every day as they take their dogs for a walk.  This morning I heard the wife having a go at her husband, her raised voice drifting up my hallway as she stomped by.  “No! …
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