Are you living your life by default?

12 months from now, all going well, you’ll have created your life.   What do you want it to look like?

Is there an area in your life that you are dissatisfied with?  More than one area?

Well, you can be guaranteed to be in exactly the same situation 12 months from now simply by not changing a single thing.  Or, you can address that area (or those areas) where you want to see something shift, and hopefully for the better!

Some people believe that life ‘just happens’ and they plod along, living the same day over and over again for 365 days of the year.  Others consciously design their year and live a different day each day as they manoeuvre their life in their desired direction.

Which do you do?

Remember, no-one else is going to change your life for you.  You are the one who designs and lives your life.  If you want to change it, you are the one who’ll have to put in the hard work.

And don’t forget!  When you speak about the life you want to create, choose your words wisely.


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