Things change. It’s your response that counts.

We’ve all heard the old saying:  As one door closes, another one opens.

When a door closes it signifies that life as we know it also ends.  It also signifies that life as we don’t know it as yet, will now begin. But how often do we get stuck in staring at that closed door without even entertaining the idea that the new beginning will bring with it something new, something different or something exciting? 

For many of us, even when we accept that one door has closed, what is it that we project at the door that is now opening for us?  Doom and gloom, or possibilities and excitement?

Does it depend on just how serious the closing of the door is?

What if the closed door is being laid off from your job?  What if the closed door is the end of a significant relationship? What if the closed door is a confronting diagnosis?

Of course, these can be pretty major life changing or ‘closing of the door’ events, and even if we get courageous enough to turn away from the closed door to look for a door that has opened, what is crucial at this point is the attitude we carry when we walk through that door. You see, the attitude you take with you will determine what it is your find on the other side of that door.

Look, we may not have any control over what, why or who caused that old door to shut, but we certainly do have control over how we walk through the new open door.

Are we looking to the future through the eyes of fear, negative expectations, or victimhood?  Or do we put on curiosity, possibility and excitement?

Regardless of what we have all been conditioned to think, we can choose our attitude.

A job ends.  Get curious about what else is out there. Tap into the dreams you’ve suppressed all these years because you’ve been so focused and busy with that old job.

A relationship ends. Think about all the possibilities that are now available to you. The other relationships you can invest your time in. The other relationships that you can build and nurture. The more time you now have to do all the things you said you’d love to do.

You receive a serious diagnosis. Get excited about exploring a new, healthy lifestyle. Experiment with new foods, with finding balance, with exercise, with meditation.

Your attitude will determine the actions that you take and your actions will determine your results.

It may not be your choice in events or circumstances you find yourself in. But you do have a choice choosing the attitude you want to step into your future with.

Choose wisely.

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