Wouldn’t it be great to just drop what you are doing today and launch into that one thing you’ve been passionate about? Walk away from that energy-draining job and throw yourself into that new venture? Well, why not? There are so many coaches and inspirational speakers who talk about the importance of focusing all your time and energy into pursuing your dream as the way to guarantee success.
And for some of us, that might be true.
But what if you have children to support? A mortgage? Bills to pay? You can’t always just drop everything.
Here’s the thing. You don’t have to drop everything. Getting to your dream life isn’t about all or nothing.
Let’s look at it another way.
Question: How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One bite at a time.
The same goes for pursuing your dream. It can be overwhelming and paralysing to contemplate that dream life especially when you compare it to where you are today. That step-change can appear to be too big to achieve. Too big to even try for. And that’s when we come up with all those excuses.
The biggest excuse I hear is “But I have no time!”.
You have just as much time as everyone else. Why is it that other people seem to fit so much into their lives and get incredible results?
It’s all about priorities.
Where are you spending your time? How much time do you spend sitting in front of the TV? And what about blindly surfing the net?
Here’s the thing. Just like eating an elephant one bite at a time, you can get to your dream life one step at a time.
Rather than looking at every component of your end goal in its entirety, you can look at it in smaller, more achievable pieces.
It’s ok to keep working in that job that you don’t love and keep the cash coming in (and eating, and keep the lights on, and a roof over your head). At the same time, work on your transition plan and start actioning it.
So, today – take 1 hour, or take 30 minutes, or even take just 5 minutes and do ONE thing that will take you in the direction of your dream. Then tomorrow, take another step, another action. And then again the day after. And the day after that.
Before you know it, you’ll have made some serious progress toward achieving your dream life. You just have to keep taking those steps.