Your mind doesn’t know the difference

I’ve written and spoken numerous times before on the workings of the mind, particularly when it comes to the mind creating fear-based scenarios which keep us stuck inside our comfort zones.

The great news is that the mind can also be our greatest tool when we direct it to take us outside of our comfort zone and towards creating a life that we would love.

You see, the mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real, in the physical sense, and what is imagined.

Try this experiment.  Picture in your mind that you are walking into your local green grocer. Walk around the various stalls of fruits and vegetables.  Walk up to a tray of lemons.  Picture their beautiful yellow skins.  Pick up a lemon and bring it up to your nose and breathe its scent deeply.  Now, notice that there are some sliced lemon wedges and pick one of these up.  Bring it up to your mouth and bite into a wedge.

What just happened?

If you focused your imagination fully on experiencing the taste of that lemon, I bet your saliva glands were activated in response and you may have even found yourself screwing up your face as you imagined tasting the sourness of the lemon.

You didn’t actually bite into a lemon but your mind created a response in your body as though that bite was actually happening in the physical world.

That’s the power of your mind.

And that’s the power that you can use to your benefit when you imaginably place yourself into the future life that you’d love to be living.

As you vividly imagine the life you would love to be living, your mind will create responses within your body to support that vision.  The mind’s filtering process will activate and filter in everything that supports that vision that you are carrying in your mind’s eye. Your thinking patterns will shift to support that vision. You’ll begin to see all the opportunities that support that vision. The actions you take will support that vision.  But only as long as you keep that vision front and centre of your mind.

Just as imagining all those fear-based scenarios will activate responses to keep you stuck within your comfort zone, imagining a life you would love is what will activate different responses – responses that will support you out of your comfort zone and into the dream life that you have imagined.

Your mind doesn’t know the difference between things that are real in the physical sense of the word, or what is imagined. 

So why not use your imagination to direct your mind into the direction that you want.

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