Muscle building

Have you ever seen someone go through something terrible and wonder how they can continue to get up every day and, not only simply function, but go on to thrive? To turn tragedy into triumph or to take a bitter event and turn it into something that brings love and hope to many?

Maybe you are that person.

Some people believe that resilience is a characteristic that some people are born with and others aren’t.  But resilience is a skill that is developed – and it can only be developed through experiencing difficulties, challenges and tragedies.

Resilience comes from our practicing, over and over again, getting up and taking that step forward, no matter how many times we’ve been knocked down.  And every time we take that step forward, no matter how small that step is, we are building our resilience muscle.

Just like building our muscles at the gym where muscles are torn so that they can heal and build up to be even stronger muscles, our resilience muscle only builds and gets bigger and stronger through the times and events that can tear us down.

The human spirit is what enables us to get up every day to face and address whatever circumstance we find ourselves in.  That spirit is greater than any event that comes our way.  It’s greater than any diagnosis we may receive. It’s bigger than any financial crisis we find ourselves in.

Never forget that.

So, next time you feel that something is so dreadful in your life that you can’t go on, remember that you can go on.  You have been created to go on, to push through, and to come out the other end much stronger than you ever were before.

The human spirit
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