The 4 Deadly Ds: – #4 Delay

This week we have reached number 4 of what I like to call “The 4 Deadly Ds”, that is, the techniques that our brains use to keep us safe, secure and living life exactly as we are today.

Deadly D #4 is DELAY

This one is yet another trickster where the mind uses its powers to keep us from moving into unfamiliar territory.

You see, your mind will have you thinking that your dream or vision is a good one and that you should go after it.

Just. Not. Yet.

  • Wait for the money to come in before you step into that new venture.
  • Wait for the kids to be a bit older before you start that new business.
  • Wait until you’ve completed this project before you switch companies.
  • Wait for the weather to get better before you start to exercise.
  • Wait for this next round of birthday parties to be over before you start that diet.
  • Wait a bit longer and think about it a bit more.
  • Wait until tomorrow.

The delaying technique is banking on your losing your motivation during that waiting period.  The longer you wait, the less motivated you’ll feel to get started. AND the more time the other Deadly Ds have to do their work!

Next time you make a decision to venture into new territory of thinking or behaving, pay attention to the tricks your mind plays. Recognise those thoughts for what they are – techniques to keep you in the familiar.

Every step forward into new territory will be the trigger for the mind to use all the techniques at hand to keep you in the familiar.  So anticipate those derailing, dissuading, distracting and delaying thoughts. Notice them. Recognise them. 

And then go after your dream, your vision and your goal anyway.

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