This week we continue on with exploring what I like to call “The 4 Deadly Ds”, that is, the techniques that our brains use to keep us safe, secure and living life exactly as we are today.
I already covered Deadly D #1: Derail. That’s where the mind will come up with the scariest scenarios to stop us moving in a new direction for our lives before we even start.
Deadly D #2: Dissuade is where the mind uses logic, pros and cons, and anything else it can come up with to dissuade us from taking action. The mind uses logic to try convince us that we really don’t want what it is we say we want, and to silence what’s in our hearts.
This week we are looking at Deadly D #3:
I like to refer to this one as the “shiny, flying puppy” technique. It’s our mind’s way of bringing into our field of vision anything and everything that will take our focus away from what we say we want. It’ll be something that we will think is more interesting or is of a higher priority.
And of course, the brain won’t give up on trying to hold you back even if you (1) dismiss those scary, albeit imaginary, scenarios, (2) dismiss that list of cons and choose to follow what’s in your heart, or (3) manage to maintain your focus. Rest assured, the mind will come up with another way to keep you from moving into the unfamiliar world of your dream or vision.
And we’ll look at that Deadly D #4 next week.