Embracing uncertainty

I’ve watched many teaching videos by the Anthony Robbins and he often shares his thoughts on the things that he believes that everybody needs in their life. And although there are quite a few items on his list, it’s the first two that he always refers to that I find to be the most profound:

  1. Certainty
  2. Uncertainty

A bit of a contradiction, right?

However, I do agree with him.

We all need some sense of certainty. Predictability gives us confidence and comfort in navigating our way through life.

However, imagine if everything in your life was predictable.  I mean everything.  Things would get pretty boring pretty quickly, right?

And that’s why we need uncertainty.

Uncertainty keeps things interesting.  It drives us to explore and to expand our boundaries.  That’s how discoveries are made, whether they be about the world or about ourselves. It’s through trying new things that we aren’t sure about that we get to experience a sense of achievement.

Without it?  We end up living a life of routine.

And as the writer Paulo Choelho puts it:

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine:  It’s lethal.

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