Be open to ‘the how’

One of the things that can hold people back in creating their dream life is the conditions that they place around what it is they want. People can get clear on what they want, but they also place all kinds of ‘rules’ and expectations on how they want that vision to manifest.

They want their results to change, but only if change occurs in a certain way, so that other areas of their life aren’t affected.  For example, they want to see greater financial abundance, but only if their relationship with family members is not impacted.  Or they want to get fit and healthy, but only if it can be done by one particular method, because they don’t want to impact something else in their life.

The thing is, when we create a vision of what we want our lives to look like, we are creating a vision of a new being, a new self.  What I mean by that is – the person we are today – what we believe, how we think, how we act – this person fits perfectly into the life we are living right now. It’s this person who has created this reality and it’s this person who fits in perfectly to the circumstances, conditions and results that they are experiencing.

So if we want to create different results in our lives, then something about us must change.  And when we change, it’s only then that circumstances and conditions around us will change, creating our new reality and new results.

What we need to recognise is that in creating a different life, there are parts of us that won’t fit into that future state. If we were a perfect match for that future state, then we would already be living in that future state.

The same applies more widely.  Some of the things we have in lives right now – people, activities, relationships – they may or may not fit into that future vision for our lives.  Some will have a place in our future, and others won’t.

It is not possible to keep everything as it is today and expect to create different results.

Whilst we can, and must, exert control over our beliefs, thoughts and actions in order to align ourselves to our future vision, what we cannot control is how the effects of our changed state will be reflected through people, conditions and circumstances in the future.

We may have preferences as to how we want to see things unfold, but we cannot control ‘the how’. 

The key is to be clear on what we want and to align ourselves to that vision. Then it’s a matter of letting go, and being open to, ‘the how’, and allowing that vision to manifest without any constrictions or limitations.

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