Get out of the way

Over his many interviews and throughout his teachings, Dr. Wayne Dyer used to frequently say:

Let go and let God.

There’s a lot of meaning in that quote.  Those of us who follow the principles of God, or if you prefer, follow the Universal Laws, well, we say we understand this. At least on the surface, anyway.

But do we know it?  I mean, really know it?

How do we know if we know?

By our actions.

We get in God’s way all the time. Especially when it comes to wanting to see change in other people.

We pray about it. We state our affirmations.  We pray that this person will be this, or do that.  And instead of letting it go, we then push God aside and we then work on making the person be this or do that.  Because, not only do we want to see that person change, we want to see them change our way!

If we really trusted God, or if we really understood in our heart of hearts, the universal power that is working for the good of every person, then we’d let it go and let God.  We’d let the power work in its own way.  We’d let God do things His way.

Next time someone isn’t being or doing what you want them to be or do, sure, include your desires for them in your prayers. However, more importantly, say a prayer for yourself. Pray for more patience and tolerance within yourself. Pray for your own strength. Pray for a greater capacity to forgive.

Then get out of the way and let God do His thing.

Let go and let God.

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