So many of us live in our minds and actions all the time.
It’s all think, think, think and do, do, do.
It’s not often that we take time to just be.
It’s a busy world and we all live busy lives. And we all seem to get caught up in wearing the badge of “I’m busy”. Sometimes it even becomes a competition!
Friends and family meet up and everyone is comparing just how much they have on their plates. You have this much to do, well, just at look what I’m having to deal with and get done in my life!
The bulk of society lives in big cities or their surrounding suburbs where there is a constant bombardment of noise, smog, crowds, traffic… This constant attack on our senses can become overwhelming and run us down.
While not many of us have the opportunity to live in the country or by the seaside, it can be good for the soul to get out into the fresh air. Find somewhere – a park, your back garden, your front porch – anywhere where you can simply sit, breath, and listen.
Give your spirit a chance to be present. Quiet your mind and take a moment to listen to that still, small voice from deep within you. The real you. Take a moment to reconnect with your source being.
Sometimes a moment is all that you need to give your mind, your emotions and your body a rest and to just be.
Don’t worry – you’ll still go back to thinking and doing, but now it will be a little slower, softer, and a little less frantic. Who knows? You might even carry a little smile on your face.