If you’ve done enough air travel, you’d have heard this instruction on every trip. You know that if you don’t look after yourself first, you won’t be in any position to help anyone else.
That’s all well and good on an aeroplane, but why does it seems such a struggle for some of us to apply the same logic across all other areas of our lives?
Mothers seem to be the most challenged in this area. In the quest to nurture and protect their children, mothers can put their own needs on the back burner day-after-day, week-after-week, and year-after-year, ending up exhausted, resentful and depressed.
Of course it’s not just mothers. It can be pretty much anyone across all different areas of life.
In my corporate roles I watch people work ridiculous hours day-after-day, putting the needs of the organisation above their own. And just like mums, eventually ending up exhausted, resentful and depressed.
Working long hours is something I do on occasion, too. It’s just part and parcel of project life. But after many years of experience, I’ve learnt to not get caught up in the habit of doing this day in and day out.
I’ve learnt that if I’m not at my best, then I can’t give my best. And if I am exhausted, I’m definitely not at my best.
Are you operating at your best? Are you in any position to give your best to your family, your friends or your work?
I’m guessing that your answer is “no”.
Of course you already know what I’m talking about. When you don’t look after yourself, you risk your health, your happiness and also the happiness of those around you. You end up grumpy, resentful and, if pushed too far, you can end up very ill.
So, have you considered that perhaps it’s time to start looking after yourself?
It’s not selfish to take some time out to recharge your batteries. Recharging your batteries doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. A simple 5-minute deep-breathing mediation can give your mind and body a fantastic break. It’s amazing that, just by breathing deeply for 5 minutes, you will feel more energised and your mind will be so much clearer.
You’ll feel better, you’ll be nicer to be around, and you’ll be far more effective in whatever it is you are putting your energy towards.
If you’ve never meditated and aren’t sure what to do, the internet has vast array of guided mediations you can listen to for free. I’ve even found a simple, 5-minute breathing mediation for you.
Give it a go and see how you feel.