Have you ever heard the term “paralysis by analysis”? And have you ever experienced it?
We all fall into this trap at times. We over think things. We want to have all the answers before we start. We want the whole path visible to us, laid out clearly, and with a guaranteed outcomes before we make a commitment to move our lives in a new direction.
The thing is, when it comes to creating change in life, often the path forward cannot be fully mapped out. You cannot know every single step towards a goal or a vision at the very beginning. Of course, you need clarity of that goal or vision. That’s a must. Otherwise, how do you know the direction you need to go in? (If you’d like more information as to why it’s so important to know your goal or what you want for your life, check out this message by Oprah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9NxS0wh0mM)
Having a direction is all that you need to get started. You don’t need every single step laid out in complete detail. You only need the first step.
Right now, you can only see what’s in front of you from where you are. But if you take a step, you’ll find yourself in a new position and it’s from there that you can see the next step.
It’s only as you move along that you will see new opportunities and different options available to you. But you have to move. Don’t just sit there waiting for all the answers and all the information to appear before you start taking action. Otherwise, you’ll be just sitting there for a long, long, long time. As Martin Luther King Jr. said: Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.