How to bear more fruit in your life

It was tending to my garden that got me thinking about this month’s blog topic: How to bear more fruit in your life.

I was cutting away the excess growth from a tomato plant so that the plant’s energy could go into growing the actual fruit, rather than going to producing more leaves.  Yes, they are pretty, but they take the plant’s energy away from developing the tomatoes.

It’s the start of a new year and so many of us are setting out our new year’s resolutions and I like to think that developing new year’s resolutions kind of works the same way as tending to the tomato plant. 

Most people start off their new year by declaring what they will now start doing more of or even just start doing for the first time. For example:

I’m going to start eating healthier foods; I’m going to start exercising; I’m going to do that course I’ve always wanted to do; etc. etc.

However, very few people give any thought to what they will be stopping or removing from their life in order to be able to dedicate their time and energy to the things that they want to add or do more of.

We live in a time where we all seem to be so busy. Our days are already jam-packed with everything we think we have to do that the idea of simply adding more on top, well, anything new is likely to fall by the wayside despite our best intentions.

Just like the tomato plant, if we want to bring in something new or dedicate more time to something we’d like to do more of, we have to cut away the things that take up our time and energy but don’t really produce any fruit. They are the things that keep us busy, but don’t allow us to be, to do, or to have the things that we truly crave for our lives.

So, if you are serious about creating something new in your life this year, take a look at where your time and energy went last year. What will you need to stop doing, or do less of, this year that will create that space that you need to live the life you’d truly love?

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